Frantoio D’Orazio is surrounded by centuries–old olive trees and even more ancient peasant traditions. A place where the ancient ritual of extracting extra virgin olive oil has been carried out for three generations now. Francesco, like his uncle Peppino and his grandfather even before, carries on the family tradition with dedication to beauty and authentic goodness, in a land where time passes slowly.
An Apulian oil mill
where nature is life
The ritual of harvesting
In a peasant world where nature determines the rhythm of the rural life, the ritual of harvesting olives is celebrated every year. Green, black, small or large. Today, as in the past, we harvest the precious fruits from our countryside with the same dedication and the same passion for both good and genuine things. The olives that we select and process become the premium extra virgin olive oil that offers unforgettable moments of pleasure for the palate.
An Apulian oil mill
where nature is life
Frantoio D’Orazio is surrounded by centuries–old olive trees and even more ancient peasant traditions. A place where the ancient ritual of extracting extra virgin olive oil has been carried out for three generations now. Francesco, like his uncle Peppino and his grandfather even before, carries on the family tradition with dedication to beauty and authentic goodness, in a land where time passes slowly.
Il rito della raccolta
In un mondo contadino che detta le regole della vita, ogni anno si celebra il rito della raccolta delle olive. Verdi, nere, piccole o grandi. Sono frutti preziosi quelli che raccogliamo ancora come una volta, con la stessa dedizione, con la stessa passione per le cose buone e sane. Le olive che raggiungono il nostro frantoio diventano poi l’olio di qualità superiore che sa regalare attimi di piacere ad ogni palato.
Our collections
Our pursuit for beauty turns our extra virgin olive oil in special collections inspired by our land and traditions, the deep roots of Frantoio D’Orazio. Today as yesterday, the extra virgin olive oil as the most authentic expression of Puglia.
Certified quality
We believe in good and genuine things and one of our missions is to take care of your health.